Wednesday, January 17, 2024


It's cold here, though not as cold as it is for some of you.
You can still see idiot tourists in flip flops and t-shirts trying to look cool,
but looking ridiculous. 

I'm hunkered down in the studio, loving my floors, and my cleaned up space,
and playing with materials that have sat around for ages.

I'm also avoiding chores I just don't feel like doing,
and trying to get my studio mojo back like I once had. 

Back in the days when I had booths, or taught classes, I would work in the 
studio all day and into the wee hours for weeks on end. 
Now? eh...

I seem to hop around between the purge saga, daily chores and 
napping...lots of napping. Walter has taken to sleeping along my side and hip
 while I nap on the couch. I'm pretty sure it is messing up my shoulder,
but he is soooo happy there.

Tonight he kept me company in the studio,
 while I rewatched Guess Who's Coming To Dinner for the ? time,
I wove this little basket. 

Now it is 1 am and I am wide awake and have screwed
up my sleep once more.

Doesn't help that today will be 24 years since my dad died.
My brother and SIL had left the hospital for the night,
 and I crawled up beside him in the bed 
where he had lain unconscious for nearly a day. 
I told him it was just the two of us alone now,
and he could go.
He never took another breath, and I felt his spirit, 
his soul, leave the room. 
The nurses told me it was not my imagination.
They had witnessed it themselves many times.
DJR was my rock, my one true certainty in the world.
I thought I had found it in one other person in my life,
but it was not true. He was not true.

I'm 70 years old and still wish I had my dad to turn to;
to help with hard choices, to gather wisdom and advice,
and to hear once more all the lame dad jokes.

Wow, I'm all over the place tonight...

"Walter, it's time for bed."




TheCrankyCrow said...

Sorry for the sad anniversary. I've just recently passed the 1 year anniversary of losing my mom...unfortunately, I was not with her when she passed. None of us were. Something that rips my heart out every time I think on it as she was always there for us...always. Another layer of guilt. Welcome to my world of sleep hell. I have never been able to nap on the couch for many reasons - mostly due to my back/neck issues, but when I was so sick a few months back, I couldn't manage to get to my bed and collapsed on the couch. Rajah, who will only sleep under my bed or at the very end of my bed, LOVED it and cured up next to me. I can't tell you the peace the warmth and presence of his little body next to mine gave me. It was worth not being able to move my neck for a week. Your little basket is sweet. While I have managed a little of stitching the past few months, it's not much to speak of and it's all I've managed. I have so much to do, but just cannot find the motivation to do any of it...not a single productive thing. Good thing no one sees me or my house. ~Robin~

Karen M said...

Love your weaving! So pretty!

I don't nap during the day, although it would probably be beneficial to do so on occasion! For whatever reasons, I just feel like crap if I do, so I don't.

Our Sally sleeps on my side of the bed, and while it definitely makes me contort some, the comfort of her being there is worth the neck/back ache I occasionally get from poor sleep position. At least that's what I say, anyway, LOL.