I can never thank my friends enough for all their love and support and yesterday was one of those times that I said a quick prayer of gratitude for my gal pals who worked their butts off yesterday and all for me. In alpha order, because they are all equally tremendous.
Heather, Pam, Paula, Sarah, and Sue. I also want to thank Suzi for driving all the way out to support us, even though she could only stay a wee bit.
Some of them had to get up at 4:00am to get ready and then drive across town to be at my house by 5:30 so we could load up FOUR cars and be at the show by 6:00. We had one small glitch with the huge advent. It wouldn't fit in the car we planned so it had to go in the open back truck, which entailed wrapping it in blankets and using loads of bungee cords so all the pieces wouldn't fly off the board. I followed the truck all the way out, and Pam did superb in keeping at just the right speed so it arrived safely.
Within five minutes of entering the booth, I tripped over the canopy and did a full slam into the floor, first both knees and then both palms and wrists. Great Start! Adding to by embarrassment was the fact that it HURT. I very ungracefully picked myself up off the wood floor and hobbled toward the door to start to unload and as soon as I spied my friend Sarah I wanted to cry. You know that thing kids do, you see them fall and they seem fine, but as soon as they spy Mama they start to cry and wail "Mommy I fell down!"
We all dove into the set up and this year I put up walls so no one could see in the booth until we were finished. It was crazy with a 10x10 booth and 5 broads all scrambling with loyal customers peeking into the booth asking "Are you ready yet?"
When we removed the front wall the booth was instantly jammed and the first two things I heard were "How much is the advent?" and "How much is the Halloween Advent?" Followed by SOLD SOLD. What a way to start the sale and I am so grateful that two gals I know gave my beloved advents a good home. Thanks Steph and Jan! I retain visitation rights OK?
I need to add a bit here about
Heather and
Sarah's glittered tags and jewelry that were also part of the booth. I predicted they would be a huge success, and no surprise there was always a crowd around their pendants, earrings, and tags. Many types completely sold out the first hour. They added lots of glam to the booth, and we plan to repeat the combo.
The rest of the day is somewhat of a blur. There were no slow down periods and we had a blast. I met some wonderful new ladies who I hope to get to know better, and we made a few business contacts that are very exciting. Again and again, I felt the presence of grace and gratitude.
Because of all the hub bub I really put picture taking aside and so, alas, the pictures I have are pretty, well, blah.... I have sent out a plea to the other gals to see if they got any good ones, and hope to share those this week.
To the customers who signed up for my email notices who have already stopped by here, I will be sending you a welcome note soon and thank you so much for visiting old grey mare yesterday. I hope we'll see each other again soon at a class or show, or right here. I welcome any questions and you can always contact me via email. Go to the link "see my complete profile" and find the email link there. If you wish to be a follower, you can do that over to the left also.
I need a few days to regroup, have a few clients this week, and then I begin prep for my own Holidays. Lots of baking/kitchen time in my future and then KIDS!!!!
I am so grateful. My kids, my friends, my health, well, except for very purple banged up knees and hands. I am grateful for the kindness of strangers, for the joy of the season, and for every one of you who take time out of your busy day to share in mine.
I'm normally not this long winded here, so please excuse, but I'm just so full of gushy, gooey gratefulness.
OK, just a wee bit more, but I HAVE to. Dear Sue spent the day with me and we finished her advent, and as promised here is the photo of her masterpiece. To you newbies, this was a class 18 months ago, but she has good reason for taking this long to finish. Hey, Sarah and Wendi? where are yours? :-) You'll have to bring them to our next finish it night.

Isn't it lovely?