Thursday, November 18, 2010

Storage Made Easy

Here it is:
The secret to my organization:
I started with an 8x8 sheet of plywood and had the
store rip it into fourths.
Using standard lengths of 1x 4's built shelving to exactly fit
those document boxes you get at big box stores.
Measure twice and cut once.
(BTW I have standard 2 car garage )
You can make these taller, shorter and adapt to fit your space.
Use all plastic bins if desired. The key is no wasted space.
Just enough clearance to slide containers easily,
and don't mix up a bunch of items just so you can stuff it into large bins.

Of course this same system will work with sturdy
metal shelving, found at Costcos or Sams. If I remember correctly
21 of these boxes fit on those shelves with the top row stacked two high.
I have done the exact same thing for clients, who wish
to be able to take the system to their next home.

My bins are placed on the floor so that mopping is a breeze.
Yes, I mop my garage, I was taught the "NAVY way".
I write contents on removable labels because storage needs change.

This is the only shelving doubled in depth, others are singles.
You can see here, where I've removed 2 boxes.
Notice the tags on the front of the shelves. Those identify the back row
at a glance. I bought bins and boxes as I could afford them and as I needed them,
so this can fit every budget. Yes, I had to have all the boxes shoot me.

You can see several bins missing. Those are in the house
as I decorate that particular tree.
That is the second part to how great this system is:
I can grab a bin or 2 boxes, whatever is needed to decorate
a room or a particular tree. I go to the garage and grab
just those containers needed and there is no jumbled mess
of boxes in the home or garage.

I store everything this way, not just decor,
and as a result the closets inside my home are not cluttered.
An added bonus; critters do not
like these painted boxes as compared to standard cardboard.

So there you have it.
Budget friendly if you add to it gradually, adaptable to any
size space and if you wish, totally portable.


Robyn said...

I'm almost speachless! I bow down to the, of GODDESS of organization!

north pal said...

organization saves so much time and frustration. i think everyone agree on this and like you said, it looks better and sets a better mood for art creating. you have a great idea. Bestest,Denise

June said...

Z, I can't believe I am going to say this, even make storage look goooood! I kindda need help in this area of my life (a huge understatement here) Dale and I celebrated our 38th annivery on the 12th by buying a storage shed that was advertised in the paper. We thoght it was going to be one of the ones like you find at Home Depot, but this one was built on site on a foundation. It was big (12X16) The women needed it moved and so my 'ever so clever' husband bought it and moved it himself. Amazing what a law enforcement officer can do in a rural area!
Some may think it isn't romantic enough for a 38th anniversary, but to me, it had love written all over it. He's now building the shelves in it.

Well, before I write a book, I just want to say...I love storage, and I love empty closets!!!
hugs to you...

Elaine said...

Wow..your are so organzied...I try but it not easy when my mind wants to do three things at the same time..

Anonymous said...

I am truly impressed by this! Well done and you give me inspiration to keep going with my own. Tammy

Razmataz said...

Would you like to visit Canada someday. You could stay here. Make yourself at home while I am at goodness girl....what is the opposite of hoarder?

glor said...

Love the shelving ... something to think about doing. I have the storage bins just piled one on top of the next but this would make it so much easier. Thanks for sharing!

Pooch Purple Reign said...

WOW impressive!! since i gave away 50 - 75% of my stuff during this transition, maybe i can start over when i get my own place again. you rock!
~laura xx

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Wow that is awesome Suzan! If my place ever looked that organized I would think I had walked into the wrong house or had entered the Twilight Zone! Great job!
Have a wonderful weekend....
Tina xo

Olive said...

I am in the presense of greatness. You are the Master. Seriously you should be managing the Container Store or maybe even better take over the TSA whchs needs some help.

the old white house said...

Oh my gosh!!! All of my stuff needs you so much! Duane would love it if I could make our barns look like this, and so would I because that would mean I could actually find something around here! GENIUS!
Still mulling things over in my lil noggin, something will be posted soon, but right now I have more important things to take care of. nothing serious, just more important. xoxo Theresa xoxo

Anonymous said...

Looks fab, z! Hubby did the same thing in our shed - no space is wasted!
BTW, I used to mop our garage floor too! :)

Tanya said...

Did I tell you how much I hate you? :-) OMG - you ROCK! I'm going down to my husband's garage now and pout! Oh, the humanity! Have a great Friday and weekend, Z

Char said...

all i can say is wow. wow - i'm very impressed.

Christine said...

my parents had shelves like this in my childhood home. I have always planned to replicate it. so glad you did this too, now I can follow your instructions!

Jillayne said...

Very nice - love the green theme. I am a firm believer in that everything should look as good as it can, coordinated and uniform. I also like how it can be added to. The garage is not my domain though - it's already been taken, but I think this could be the starting point of a system in the closet of my workroom. Right now it ain't pretty. Thanks for the ideas z! Come January I'll be sifting and sorting...

The Tin Rabbit said...

I agree with are one organized girl! This is fabulous!