Still think it is too much hassle, too complicated to recycle?
Even the smallest bit of recycling makes a difference.
Before we had curbside service our family would
drive it over to recycling and
then do something family oriented with the money.
I'm going to make it super simple for you.
No more excuses.
These items are typically accepted at most recycling centers
and curbside pickup and have the least amount of rules:
Aluminum Cans (all the sodas of the world) | ||
Steel Cans (soup cans, veggie cans, coffee cans, etc. and you don't even need to remove the labels) | ||
Newspaper | ||
Magazines and slick inserts (after you are finished with that magazine and all those catalogs and ads that arrive in the mail, they can be recycled) |
These items are accepted on a regular basis, with some exceptions.
Corrugated Cardboard (shipping and packaging boxes, usually identifiable by a layer of paper sandwiched between sheets. Used pizza boxes are NOT accepted) | ||
Paper and Paperboard (office paper, notebook paper, cereal boxes, non-Styrofoam egg cartons, some pre-packaged food boxes. Some paper items like paper milk cartons and drink boxes are lined with wax or plastic and are often not accepted. | ||
Plastics (milk jugs, shampoo bottles, detergent bottles, vitamin bottles, plastic soda and water containers etc. Most centers will only accept those plastics labeled with PETE 1 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET)and HDPE 2 symbols. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)These can generally be found molded into the bottom of the containers. If you can't identify the type of plastic, don't include it. Most facilities also require that you remove the cap since it is usually made of a different type of plastic. Some facilities will accept additional plastics, so, check with your local recycling center. | ||
Glass (beer and wine bottles, pickle jars, jelly jars, etc. Occasionally a center will accept only certain "colors" of glass. Light bulbs, Pyrex, ceramics, and mirrors are NEVER accepted. Glass is becoming less accepted because of the potential for injury to workers. Here is a great A-Z recycling list for everything. Please see rules if linking for the first time and remember to link directly to your Genesis post not just to your blog. All the Genesis posts are archived in my sidebar, so the direct link to posts is required of everyone. I cannot wait to see what you have to say! Suzan You can link until Midnight Friday |
Excellent list, Suzan! I think we would all be advised to print it out and post it on the refrigerator...recycling is not difficult when the rules are clearly laid out.
Thanks for that!
my sister-in-law lives in florida and they save all their crushed soda cans in a large trash can and when it is full they take it to the recycle center and the money they receive they use for a dinner out.
I myself recycle what I can.
We just only a few months ago got garbage pick up until then we always went to the transfer station(the dump) ..it sounds so much better!
I wonder sometimes how well they sort thru it all. Remember that video you sent us the link to?
SOme of that stuff just doesn't get recycled. Shame on them!!
but I suppose it's a start right??
Like you said " no excuses"
Very helpful info, Suzan. Thank you so much. And thank you for hosting this worthwhile project!
Suzan, you visited so promptly:) thank you! I went back in and put an explanation and link to your site at the beginning as I realised I had neglected to do so. It is fixed now:)
Dearest Z and Howie,
This is a great project and wish I had something to contribute that was unique....I'm still thinking....maybe I'll come up with something yet.
In the meantime I wanted to mention that our recycling center also accepts computers, monitors and associated hardware. All the time - special area set aside just for this. So much better than seeing this junk on the side of the country road. Yes, that does happen here :( Sometime for others to purrhaps look at in their area.
I hope you both have a great holiday weekend!
Romeo and "her"
I feel fortunate that my town has a great recycling program. Insofar as light bulbs are concerned, I know that Home Depot accepts the new twisty (CFL?) bulbs nationwide.
Some fabulous ideas Suzan.... each little bit makes a big difference overall..
In fact.. it's garbage night.. and I'm just about to make sure my bins go out.. organic waste and recycling!!! Looking at the volume in both is a good indicator if I am doing my part well!!!
xxx Julie
We are lucky here in Ontario Canada Suzan, to have a fairly sophisticated recycling program. It does mean a lot of sorting, and no longer just a garbage can in the garage, we now have a garbage system!...two large bins - glass/cans and paper/plastic, one small bin - bio waste and two large boxes (overflow)! But it is worth it, husband and I now are down to a half a garbage bag of 'other stuff' that goes to the landfill each week, and my goal is to reduce even that.
Keep up the good work, this Project is golden...thank you!
Hi Suzan, I am glad to join you again for Project Genesis. Since I was in the States during July, it was difficult for me to post anything at that time, but I'm back on track again. In the last year, I've made tons of changes -- it's amazing the things I never gave much thought to before. Once something opens your eyes to the reality, it's hard to close them without thinking about what you can do to help. Thanks for starting this project. Best wishes, Tammy
thanks for another great party Z. luckily our recycling center is just right down the road...unfortunately, my neighborhood does not offer curbside, yet. my parents were always ahead of the game and openminded to new ideas. we were recycling way back in the old days (1970's ha) starting with newspapers. we ate "health food" too, which i hated at the time. dad used to yell at us to "turn off the light" when we left a room, to conserve on energy. funny, i aspire to all those things now........
Great list! When I loved in Southern California, the county provided each homeowner with three trash cans, you know the HUGE ones with wheels that the trucks lift. Black for anything that can't be recycled, Green for yard waste and Blue for recyclables. This was a great system, but since I moved South ten years ago, I'm provided with a small blue bin and it's limited what you can put in it. Since my recycling is almost always more than my trash, this frustrates me. I build up the "sides" with larger items and hope the wind doesn't kick up, lol.
The Publix supermarket in the next town has a bin in front for styrofoam. I like that, so I drive there to shop.
It does seem very complicated at times... I like Lynette's idea of printing the list for easy reference. Had planned to do a project post this month... am ashamed to say I totally forgot.
Terrific idea for a link party. I will participate in the future, tho probably not this week. I'll just check out the posts for now.
Great post Suzan,. Our community is great for recycling. We have a food bin pickup as well as leaf, papers, plastic and tins. We get any recycling pick up every week and then garbage only every 2 weeks. It works well
Whew.... sliding into the party at the last minute! I knew when I saw the story I referenced that I needed to share, and coincidentally we are both talking about recycling this time! I just love this party... and can't wait to see what everyone is going to teach me this time. Thanks again for hosting a party of such importance! Theresa xoxo
Great job Suzan~
Great post, once again, Z!
Great list. It seems I have more recycling to do!
I missed Project Genesis this month but will be back in October. Off to read all the other ideas!
happy day!
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