Some of you saw Walter and his rock on
Instagram. It continues to be a source of great
pleasure or frustration, I'm not sure which
as he whines while he rolls it.
( much clearer on IG click over on the right)
In between the rock is the hard place;
one that we are all too familiar with.
I am trying my best to keep busy
and productive but damn it's hard.
I'm nearly at 100 days of this.
It's now pushing 100 degrees here most days,
so gardening of any kind is limited to
early morning hours if at all.
I'm keeping most pots on the porch,
so I don't have to wander the yard to water.
My head is not in the right place to
be creative at the moment,
though I wish it were.
The studio beckons, but I sit and think
up there creating zilch, while
Walter whines at the blocked off stairway.
I've cleaned, I've tidied, I've rearranged
a little, only to find
it is needed again even with little activity,
so why bother?
Food delivery has hit a hiccup,
our government is a disgrace and dangerous,
and I worry a lot about friends and acquaintances who
take none of this too seriously.
"I told you so" with tragic consequences.
Not such a perky post,
but I'm guessing you've all been there.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Exactly the same as the day before except
the garbage will be collected.
My witty and goofy Tom and Hannah
entertain themselves with Friday Frownies
If you go to either of their profiles
and click on frowny or friday frowny
you can share in the goofy.
Last Saturday was the planned, now postponed,
wedding date for my son Ben and his love Helene.
Many of us sent food, plants, flowers
and happy thoughts.
They are handling the disappointment
with grace.
I say my prayers of gratitude
at the start and end of each day.
My kids and family are safe and healthy;
many folks around the world cannot say that,
so it's hard, but it's doable for however
long it takes.
Our grandparents and their families,
were separated for years during the wars.
Immigrants today are kept away from family
for years. War torn countries today do not know if
their loved ones are alive.
We can certainly handle this without
tearing the country apart can't we?
Those who try to continue the divisiveness,
should not be allowed to remain in power,
be able to corrupt our judicial system, or
allowed to curtail our right to vote their asses out.
Hi my friend. I getcha. I had to stop reading about our #1 moron for a bit. Instead I visit IG and visit homes. I'd rather read about my friends in the UK and all over the world and they're stories on how they're getting thru. And get thru we will, slow but sure. Hang in there. And before long, you'll be going to a wedding. Love, Kit
I think many of us could write this very same post. Every day now is like the other..... the little town where I had my store is "opening" today and everyone has been posting their cheerful "Come See US" instead of Stay home where you are safe! I wonder how many will be out shopping today, I mean, really what is the point in risking your life for another FARM nick knack or antique dish..... just going quickly to the grocery store stresses me out and I have to go buy food until our garden comes in. I have several friends that live alone, like you, and they seem to be coping better than those with several children and a husband at home haha. Hope the solitary can be productive and not long lived my friend!
Happy Mothers Day
Walter & His Rolling Rock, sounds like a book waiting to be written. For the grandkids, it would be neat.
Silly Walter....Our litte Shih Tzu used to ""collect" rocks...not as large as Walter's, of course, but he'd bring them to the front sidewalk and arrange them in a line....some of his favorites he would even bring in the house with him. It's hard to imagine 100 degrees....we are expecting 3" of snow. I think the difference in our climates ia reflected in the difference in how the virus is affecting us as well. Here in our county (one of the largest in the state) has had only 22 cases....2 of our immediately surrounding counties have had absolutely none. So for us it is hard to understand why folks can go shop at Walmart for whatever their hearts' desire while small businesses are forced to remain closed...and in many cases, irreparably damaged. And there is the collateral damage that everyone seems to sweep under the proverbial carpet - the increase in illnesses and diseases that won't be caught early because routine screenings have been postponed/missed, the increase in domestic violence and child abuse, substance abuse, depression, sucicide, etc., etc. Everyone is not similarly situated and so not everyone is of the same opinion...but, you're should not be a divisive thing. Stay well.... ~Robin~
Hang in there. Z
Yes! Here! Here!
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