Found this on pinterest
(no credit was given)
I fall into bed every morning, yep, morning
between 2-5am
exhausted, but then after strapping on
c-pap I cannot get to sleep.
But then I sleep in so it averages out.
So yes, I finally did get a c-pap.
The longest time used so far is 7 hours,
but that is deceiving as I am awakened
multiple times during those hours.
But hey, I'm trying.
I now have preliminary diagnosis
with both lung and heart issues.
The next round of Dr visits begins today
and will determine the next move.
Therefore the purge has reached epic proportions.
Kids are coming in to help with large sale
the first weekend in OCT.
I have gone through the entire home,
multiple times as I garner the will power
to be ruthless during purging.
Not knowing how much space I will
have to live in, or even what state NV or CA,
creates issues while trying to make decisions.
The area where I have struggled
is with studio supplies.
Will I ever use roving again?
How much fabric to keep?
I coveted those many army blankets I snagged
years ago but they take up so much space.
That is where many of you met me.
After the Where Women Create article
and white wednesday studio tours.
I find myself growling often.
My pal Sue was over Saturday and sat in the
heat in the garage with me and priced
while I sorted and stacked.
she brought cookies
This was so easy peasy for me to do with clients;
I couldn't figure out why I was moving
slowly and with more difficulty.
Then it was pointed out to me duh..
you're sick and you have no idea if you
will have a 1 or 2 bedroom
a garage, a yard, a patio....
Your clients knew where they would be.
so I have to prep in five stages
1. Everything I'm sure I don't need
goes to charity now or sale.
2. Assume/pray I will have a second space for studio,
via addtl bedroom or garage and select
only those studio items and furniture
for said space to fit into 10x10 area.
3. Once new space and financials are determined
jettison any remaining furniture via social media.
Stop worrying where kids will sleep if they visit me here.
They aren't worried- "whatever Mom"
(that's a tough one for me)
4. List home after 26 years for sale in early spring.
That's a toughie- love this house
5. Be thankful I have any kind of home and
belongings as so many do not.
It's happening
Health issues
Financial finagling
Downsizing big time
I'm rolling down hill, picking up speed
It's happening.