Probably not exciting for you but I'm thrilled to
have light along the walkway once more.
I had hard wired lighting there for years but the cost
of the bulbs was ridiculous
so out it came, and solar added instead.
Plywood still down protecting my bricks,
and about 30 minutes ago,
the guys were back finishing up
footers of the pergola, and setting trellis wire
and maybe, just maybe, I will be close to the finish line.
When installation is delayed like this
and the budget creates changes,
you have mixed feelings
because you're uncertain what the
original plan was,
and will this all still work out?
Mostly you just want the damn thing done.
The city had sustained winds
between 65- 80 mpr last night and it was
rough going and loud
and lots of folks had damage.
I lost a couple decorative pieces in the yard,
but nothing major.
Around 10 pm I looked out to make
sure I wasn't in the Emerald City.
Happy Weekend