Monday, October 31, 2016

Holiday Smashup and More

This time last year I was doing this.
Happily wiring paper and making a fall garland that 
carried over into the Christmas Holiday 
with the addition of some sparkly pics.

I plan to use the leaves differently
this year, not sure just how just yet.
Meanwhile I just finished some samples
for another quick technique class at 
The Paper Bunny.

I've also begun private classes at the house
that work for those gals who are overwhelmed 
working in larger groups.
Want to learn a new technique?
Let me know.

Eye issues, Dental Issues
Appointment after Appointment
Dollar after Dollar
with two birthdays and Christmas all 
coming soon within
30 days.
Deep breaths and prayers of gratitude
will get me through.

and then there's the #!&*^%# election
Lots of escape reading and Dellatorri wine.

Latest group -
The bottom step was read last week.
I do average about one each night.

No Halloween for me tonight;
the world is scary enough.

Did you see Decaprio's 
Before the Flood on National Geographic?
Not so much new information,
just another attempt to wake up the world.
Our planet's future is in the hands
of "purchased" politicians.
The world according to Koch
is a Halloween nightmare.