My paternal Grandfather (the original PapPap) Rennie in his softball uniform.
Another one of DJR'S favorite quotes in it's original frame. It was always hung above his desk at home as long as I can remember.
Some string/twine from my Dad's workbench.
Right below the cubbies: Two gifts from two different friends given years apart but they match exactly. Yes, that is a Z on the box lid. An amazing find from Kathy. The timer is a 30 minute timer, very hard to find. Heather gave it to me this past Christmas in honor of my "30 minute timer cleanup theory." How special is that?
This special piece arrived by surprise one afternoon from my longest time friend in the world. She carved it from driftwood she picked up along the shore where she used to live.We became friends when I was a Junior in HS and she was a Senior. While I was flirting with a boy in the doorway of the Spanish Lab, she subtly tied my elastic belt from my red Villager pin-tucked dress to the door. The boy asked to walk me to my next class, and as I walked away I rebounded "slam" back into the door. The boy turned out to be a horrible person, but the girl, my Macky, turned out to be the treasure of a lifetime. We have only seen each other twice in the last 35 years, but it never seems to matter. It was Macky who gave me the "Suzan with a z not an s" that resulted in everyone calling me Z . This little bird is placed in the cubbie directly in my line of sight above the monitor, and it is priceless to me.
Directly to the right of the cubbies is my newest obsession in front of an old obsession; a few of my Robert B Parker books. I hope to collect a lot more timers, but I have finicky criteria for them too. There is a small pink one at Anthropologie I am coveting but the price! Yowza!
A place to contemplate the next WW.
A favorite heart box with mementos inside.
Please visit all the other WW by linking over there to the left. Kathleen at Faded Charm is our wonderful host each week.

Aren't we all in love with this magazine? Here is a great place to get it and it is worth every penny! Only two pages of ads. More like a book, than magazine. You will refer back to them ( I want them all) again and again. Look for Carole's link on her right sidebar, and be sure to visit not just the latest post, but older posts also. You'll soon see why I adore Maynard Greenhouse!
What wonderful things you have for this week's WW. And what a great story about your friend from school! I have a few friends like that, the kind you don't get to see often, but when you speak with them it's like you just saw them yesterday!
Kat :)
Love the cubbies and all the goodies you have to go inside, wonderful momentos! Great collection idea with the timers!
I *LOVE* cubbies...what a cool use only *special* items...Happy WW!
Such a beautful post! I felt such calming peacefulness throughout. The pictures and treasured items were all so gorgeous! I love the hourglass and the carved heart box! Fantastic post!
I like what you did with your cubby. I really like the heart box with wings on it too.
Great collection of simple, endearing things. Thank you for sharing!
What special mementos to add to your cubbies(which are great). I also love your little corner to contemplate your posts.
I opened your packages this morning and am in awe over all the beauty. Thanks so much for your generosity and you are one talented lady. I love it all!!!
Enjoy your day.
Love Your W.W. Post ~ the Photos are Beautiful & Your Treasures Superb~
Have a Wonderful Week
Awwww. what a very sweet and sentimental post. It's moving. I love all the stories and the whites. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us! :-)
Thanks for sharing your goodies. I love your heart box the best!
Cindy at Lakewood
I Suzan!! I love how this cubbie if filling up. I think the fact that you are only using the most meaningful things to you in it will make it a most special place. I love the picture of your grandfather, and I bet he'd be happy to know that he earned a spot there.
You sweet note made me smile and I want you to know it means so much to me.
Suzan you are too nice to mention me. Now I wish I had a new post! haha
I love these puts such humanity to an object. Your friend might have sensed that boy wasn't for you or just had a good sense of humor:))
Love the sepia effect too!
Lovely post ~ nice muted tones throughout ~ very calming. I just ordered a copy of Jeanne d'Arc ~ I hope your right ~ if my husband ever found out how much I spent on that magazine ~ well, just hold onto this comment for awhile just in case:):):) Happy WW!!!
Such pretties and mementos! Thanks for sharing! Stop and visit me sometime! Jennifer
cubbies of love! you have filled your squares with meaningful soulful treasures! that hand carved bird is a delight and a really special gift. thanks so much for visiting me via carole (love her!)...i'm following you now too :0)
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