Monday, October 26, 2020

10 Months Old

 Walter is 10 months old

He is loving, funny, goofy, curious, demanding
clever, smart and wonderful.

When I adopted this wee little tyke
back in February I had no idea that he would be 
my only companion for a year, or perhaps longer...

I am his world, all that he knows,
so he has been loved and loved and loved
and he gives back to me even more.

More times a day than I can count,
he jumps, leaps, dives onto my lap, places a paw on 
either side of my neck and leans in cheek to cheek.
He holds there and then switches sides 
and then licks kisses till I make him stop. 

When he is not playing, he is either lying on my left leg while
chewing on a bully, lying between my ankles sleeping,
 tucked behind me on the couch sleeping, 
or perched behind my head on the couch 
with his chin on my shoulder.

Never more than 6 feet away from me.
Howie was the same;
remarkably the same.
Howie had something to do with
 Walter and I finding each other.
I just know it.


Monday, October 19, 2020


We are all so weary of this damn year, it's worries, troubles,

 loss and sadness. I was getting lost in it all.

I had to make some tough life decisions, financial and otherwise,

while still mourning the loss of dear Howie.

I start and end each day with a prayer of gratitude that 

my little family is safe and well for another day.

Many are not permitted that privilege, so I really

do acknowledge that blessing in my life.

I've come to accept my illness, my distance from the kids, 

which I had hoped to change, (not to be) and welcomed

sweet weird Walter into my heart.

I had to swallow my pride and accept help, boy, that was tough.

I am trying to focus on small pleasures,

by planting herbs, watching Walter's antics,

and then there are the "what a wonderful world moments."

I've been tweaking the porches and late one night,

 I heard what sounded like a drone approaching.

I stepped out to look at the dark sky

just as the sound clarified into extremely loud honking. 

Just then hundreds of Canada Geese 

in V formation flew low, over my head.

 I could only make out their outlines and

white underbellies in the pitch black sky.

The sounds blasted the air.

 I was squealing with delight,

then clamped my hand over my mouth 

as it was around midnight. I no  

sooner saw the last one disappear, 

when a second larger group flew over to my left.

The tears started flowing as I was ever so grateful to 

be alive, to be a witness, and to see the hope in the spectacle.

I went back onto the porch and then wait, what?

They had done a u turn and flew back over,

 the way that they had come.

It took me hours to not feel the buzz,

the exhilaration, again the hope, I so desperately needed.

Two days later my friend Sue returned some borrowed items,

and brought me goodies (what a baker she is).

Walter is still not socialized to other humans or animals due 

to COVID so he was very scared.

Sue, who does not own animals, patiently tried, and tried again,

while we visited out back, and he would get close,

then run whining and barking.

She knew how I've been worried about this.

I was watching like a parent concerned and 

embarrassed for their child.

90 minutes 

She tried for 90 minutes, with such kindness.

Then he came to her, licked her hands and placed his paws

on her knees, while she scratched his ears.

I started weeping.

He then was obsessed with her and cuddled and wriggled and

it was so damn glorious.

We all need to be brave and fight the good fight

for decency, equality and dignity. 


we also have to find the goodness, the kindness

the joy that is happening in wee small moments.

If you haven't watched The Way I See It with Pete Sousa.

Please find it and watch.

Remember those THINGS we hold dear, are being destroyed.


Oh and if you are interested I am videoing nearly my entire home

and putting it on Instagram 


Thursday, October 15, 2020


It's official

Women rock!
Darling Daughter * Jenny -Writing Partners 

Watch for them in your viewing futures.



Thursday, October 8, 2020

What Pie?

You have to be careful and quick around these parts.

I was having a slice of key lime pie 

while seated at the coffee table, when I noticed

Walter licking his face. Hmmmm? 

I turned around and looked at my plate and

Yep, a small section was a little squished and flattened.

Don't know how he did it.

I do know that even the slightest bit of dairy

will later on send odiferous plumes into the air,

that are ridiculously unpleasant. 

He is not yet used to the process, and when it happens, 

he jumps up, checks his posterior area, 

and searches for the source of 

the sound and odor.

My darling daughter early on 

dubbed him a little weirdo.

he is he is he is

and he appears to be channeling the FLASH

AS for everything else in the world


It's all been said in a myriad of ways, 

by a million folks,

and me saying anything more feels like 

throwing a stinky, tar covered, hole riddled pair of

tennis shoes on top

of a steaming pile of manure.

It doesn't hurt it, help it or make any difference.
