“I want to skip to the end of the Trump movie where it fades out and captions tell us how long they each got in prison,” by @OwensDamien.
just made me happy to think...
I've now sold off over half of
what I acquired
over the past 40 some years.
Yet no one would say my
home is spare. Not by
a long shot.
Still work to be done.
I have some "craft" items I'll
be showing you soon.
I'm looking for good homes for them,
as I've loved them well
as I've loved them well
Vintage flashcards (lots)
Stones for jewelry making - jar after jar
Piles of chain for jewelry
Piles of chain for jewelry
Netty Le Croix pattern packs (wonderful primitives)
Email me if anything interests you
and I'll try to get photos out to you quickly.
That's all for this morning.
I'm just treading water with a
lap around the life pool now and then.
Trying to be calm and serene.