Thursday, October 7, 2010

Junk Drawer

If you lived in a house with shelves like this:
(yep, those spices are in alphabetical order)
you would probably expect to see a junk drawer,

like this..

...and yep, that is my junk drawer.
Now why would that be an issue? Well, the photo challenge
at Razmataz this Friday is Junk Drawer.

The challenge is an excellent exercise, perhaps meant to examine
our personalities or the quirkiness of our possessions.
What can I say? I'm tidy.
Not obsessive, not overly clean, TIDY....
and prepared, as you can see by the articles in said JD.
A wind up emergency radio and flashlight,
small tools easily assessable even though garage full
of tools is a mere five steps away, phone chargers etc.

I actually considered, for about a minute, "faking" a drawer, how
weird is that? That I would try to look messy? Now THAT
shows something in my personality, any arm chair
psychologists want to weigh in?

Oddly enough, I am not overly tidy in every area
of my life or my home. I hate filing away paid bills and forms
and at times they pile up for months before they are perfectly
put into their expertly labeled folders.

My clothes are hung by type, length of sleeve and by color.
I have at least 10 hours of ironing in a basket on the closet floor.
The pile has been there an equal amount of months.

so, if we are still examining the psyche behind my junk drawer?
I appear to have a split personality.


I'm just nuts.


Julie@beingRUBY said...

not overly tidy? hahahaha...
sorry.. just pushing your buttons.. have you ever seen that movie...????/ Julia Roberts...oh yes.. Sleeping With The Enemy.. hehehehehehehehehe

Well I haven't really got a junk drawer at present.. partly as I have just moved .. and there is no storage space here whatsoever... so.. I do though have a lot of junk boxes!!! unpacked and rifled through.. does that count?

I think I am a bit of both too.. colour code the bookshelf but the bills are scattered all over my desk.. if I clean up my desk I never find anything...

Quite orderly my dear!!! xxx Julie

afistfullofweeds* said...

I can totally relate to your personalities...I thin I have a few too!! Being nuts is a given!!

Unknown said...

Swings and roundabouts z! Sounds like you have under control what you need to...the rest just doesn't matter.
Hey, what's interesting about 'normal' anyway?

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Let's face it...SOME things are just more impotant than others...but I will tell you junk drawer REALLY looks like a junk drawer..and I have about 5 of them all over the house...that is why my Blog is called delightful clutter....I do not mind clutter...DIRT NO ! ...but clutter is OK to me.

I wish I were more ORGANIZED like you, I would OH so be able to find things much easier...I KNOW what drawer they are in...just can't find them very quickly...IN that drawer.
You would probably identify with my desk tho. ( laughing) talk about STACKS of papers.


Kit said...

Great blog! I am part of a different "challenge" today so didn't partake of the junk drawer, but like you, that is what mine looks like. Nothing crazy or messy. I am a neat freak. Okay, I have admitted it and I embrace it....LOL My bills are also a mess tho at the moment. :) Kit

Anonymous said...

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You ~Ron

Molly said...

You certainly do not have a split personality and neither are you nuts. I wish I could be tidy like you. I usually have to have a daily blitz and then start all over again the next day!

Anonymous said...

Hubby would like your junk drawer, Z. I (we) don't have a junk drawer. That would drive Hubby over the edge. I do however have an old treasure box that belonged to my grandmother stuffed with what I call treasures and what anyone else would instantly pour into a garbage can.

Thanks for popping over to my blog. 30 years of raising children and they are now scattered across the globe. And the whole get good grades in school so you can get into a good university so you can get a great job thing and live a comfortable life has come to a screeching halt - what's called retirement.

You know - we can read about menopause, empty nest syndrome and what happens when we retire, but oh baby when it's our turn it's quite a shocker!

Have a great weekend, Z.
The other Z.

Pooch Purple Reign said...

wow. i think i completely missed the organization gene.
i just moved and my junk drawer was such a tangled mess of "junk" that i picked out a few key things and turned it upside down in the trash. i doubt i will ever miss a thing :)

Razmataz said...

Compulsive. OCD. Neat nick. Obsessive. amateur analysis. Kidding aside, I think you your drawers are amazing. Do you know how frustrating it is not to be able to find anything.

You should join the Martha show...

Olive said...

I like your tidy drawer. I missed the point I suppose as my drwaer which I did not submit merely contained batteries. ♥O

Elaine said...

I have some clutter in my drawers and I have a lot of magazines laying around that I haven't found the time to read. I did get a friend to put dividers in my silverware drawer so it is so tidy...makes me want to do more.

Jane said...

Fun to take a peak into your junk drawer. You and my husband would be fast friends!
I wanted to let you know I received the beautiful button bracelet yesterday and I LOVE it!!! Thank you again for your generosity. I wrote a post about it tonight...I hope my pictures do it justice!
Have a great weekend.

Carole said...

I'm just jealous because my junk drawer well.....looks like junk.

Or maybe its just that they are not enough hours in the day....I like that excuse better!


Jillayne said...

I don't have a junk drawer at all - always used to, until this house where drawers are at a premium. I used to love cleaning our junk drawer when I was a child; you never knew what you'd find but it would always yield up some interesting tid bits.
I think it's interesting you toyed with faking it - any movie set will show things can be faked, but would you have added the dust and crumbs too? Gone all the way, with crumpled papers and stray paperclips etc.? Or just jumbled things around? Those answers would likely say more; but maybe you understand that however "organized" and tidy your junk drawer is, it's still a junk drawer! But what I really want to know is what brand of spices those are? A spice cabinet like that is something I want to aspire to!

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

I think I hate you just a little bit! I want to be like you...Maybe if you are ever in the Orlando area, you could spend a couple of days at my house!
Just dreaming!

Norine/Surprise, AZ USA said...

Is your middle name "Martha"? I love a tidy junk drawer myself. Wish my sewing room was as orderly, lol.

Tanya said...

Ohhhhhhh, you do make me smile! We stayed at the house of a friend that had drinking glasses with leaf designs on them...each glass was in the same, EXACT position as the next.

I think she may have had your junk drawer, too. See what comes from not sleeping! :-)