Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Poor Baby Boy Howie

That is what Hannah said when 
she called to check on Howie

Here he is right after he came home
from his oral surgery.
His head so heavy he could not lift it up
from his water bowl.
He is one drugged up pooch.
It is now 9:00 pm and he has barely moved.

I was a wreck all day worrying
myself sick. He is nearly 15
so anesthesia is risky.

He has not been eating much
 at all these past weeks
so that has me worried also.
Perhaps it was his teeth.

We'll know in a week or so.
Meanwhile I have to get three HUGE 
pills a day into a dog who
 is too whacked out to eat and opening his 
sore mouth to push them down is an 
impossible feat on a good day.

Of course I'll be on the couch listening
all night to be sure he is OK.

My heart is breaking for my

Poor Baby Boy Howie



Blondie's Journal said...

If it's any help. Milo had to have his four lower front teeth pulled when he was about 12 y/o. He was out of it and very sore. I would really just worry if Howie isn't getting hydrated. The vet can help you out with it and give him a once over. That would be my worry.

Poor guy, he's your bedrock, I'm sure.

Sending love and πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


susan hemann said...

I'm so sorry

Colleen MacKinnon; Penny Rugs and More said...

Aww poor Howie :-( Sounds like you both need some good rest.