Thursday, December 13, 2012


A heavy NYC winter coat hanging from the hook

 A jumbled mess of her favorite throws
 and smooshed pillows on the couch. 
I saw this first thing as I rounded the corner
 into the den this morning. 
Darling daughter is still asleep after working 
until 3 am (6 am her time) on the computer last night.

I cannot explain why seeing these two sights made me well
up with tears, except to say...
She's Home
She's Home
Dearest Son arrives in one week.
His shoes, his jackets will be strewn everywhere.
He's Home
He's Home

I have a lovely roof overhead
Nourishing food in the pantry
Generous and loving friends
Glorious children
A holiday job I adore
Life is so good
..and the tears fall gently again

merry merry everyone
I pray you are as blessed



Tanya said...

So, SO happy for you this morning, Z - and she looked fabulous and happy last night! Life IS good, dear friend...XOXOXOXOXOXO (Don't work too hard today)!

Terra said...

You are truly blessed as your family gathers round you snug in a warm home. I am blessed too, with family and a warm home and so many good things.

wendy said...

Such simple and beautiful things to shed those HAPPY tears over.
I love it when gratitude takes over my soul, and those tears slip down my cheeks.
Just reaffirming...all is well.

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Blessings Sweet Friend! I know how you feel as my two older Girls have moved on and it's always nice to have them return.

Great to be Thankful and a lil reminder we all are blessed in one way or another.

Happy Holidays ~Cheers Kim

June said...

...and I know how much you will enjoy this time Z! Have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful children.
much love...

Shane Pollard said...

I know that feeling Suzan - it's the best feeling in the world...
when our children come home!!!

Enjoy every moment together - such special times and the magical season of Christmas is the best time of all to be together.

Joyeux Noël
Shane ♥

Donna Reyne' said...

I too am so very happy for you my friend!!!
I know how much those two darlings mean to you and I know what it means to get to spend time with them at Christmas!!
Our children are the best gift we were ever given!
Be blessed and know you are in my thoughts!
hugs from here

Sonny G said...

I often wonder if when I see my childs coat hung on the barstool edge, if I was the only one who grins and sometimes tears up.. Now I know I'm not the only one and it feels good not to feel so alone..

thank you for this post.

Kathy said...

Oh Z, I love to hear you so happy. There is nothing like a good wallow in happiness!

Razmataz said...

Best feeling in the world is lying in your bed with your (grown) children sleeping in your house.

Rebecca said...

What a warm, cozy, calming post! I want to stay here ALL day :)

Tracey Broome said...

I KNOW! My darling daughter is home too, already I have tripped over her guitar case, moved her basket of laundry from where she dropped it at the front door, and smiled with tears at the sofa covered with her books and bags. Bliss!
Isn't being a mom the best!?

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Wonderful! Hope your Christmas with those kids is full of fun and love...I know it will be! :)

Nella Miller said...

Dear Suz, I hear doesn't take much to make us happy when it comes to this...I am SO happy for you! Enjoy these precious times, they are fleeting....hugs, N.xo

Robin Leuschen said...

Your list has thee "Bestest !" reasons to feel blessed !! Merrie Merrie to you also !

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I understand! I am going to be with both my girls, my Grandson and SIL for Christmas this year! I am so Blessed!

hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Our daughters are married and moved on also..Words can not describe the feeling when they come home..Have a wonderful visit..

Samantha Stephens said...

You are a blessed woman. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

erin's art and gardens said...

so happy for you darling.....

Faded Charm said...

I'm so glad you are crying "happy" tears, Z. Enjoy and cherish your family during the holiday season...I know I will be:-)


Susy said...

A grateful heart is Christmas' brightest ornament. xo said...

OMG I have goosebumps I am that happy for you!!!!!!!!I wish you a WONDERFUL Christmas, Suzanne!!!!!!Bless you,
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Kit said...

Oh, I so understand this feeling you had. Went out to dinner with my girls and hubby and watching them across from me, made my night. :) Kit

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Here's wishing you cheeks that hurt every day from smiling having your kids home with your for the holidays!

MEM said...

Your blogs and fabulous photos always inspire me to dream BIG. Such lushes lovelies you are surrounded by. Have a wonderful family time this holiday season!

Cindy said...

"Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my heart"!! I am thrilled for you! Enjoy every minute!
xo Cindy

Romeo said...

Ah, life is good :) So happy for you!!! You so deserve this! Savor. Cherish. Every. Moment!



Unknown said...

Merry Christmas to you. There is nothing better than having your children home for the holidays.

jeanne@juNxtaposition said...

happy holidays dear, you truly are blessed !

c. Joy said...

So happy that you are so blessed. I'm in the mist of family and friends - waiting on daughter and SIL to make it in from Canada. Life is good. Thanks for another great year of blogging. You entertain and inspire me - that's right! You are a blessing. Peace, Joy

erin's art and gardens said...

hello dahling,
just popping over to wish you a very merry and blessed christmas! hope you are having tons of fun with the kids!

Rebecca said...

I am so glad to be able to pop over and wish you a blessed Christmas. How so blessed we are
Much love and a year filled to overflowing

Evi said...

my dearest, what more could a mom want!!!!!!
Although, when our Pete lived in his "dungeon", I could have killed him many times. But once they leave home.....and come back for an all too short visit, these days are forgotten.
So sweetie, enjoy them, spoil them, cuddle them (if they let you), and enjoy the most wonderful Christmas.
I also wish you a happy new year filled with whatever makes you feel happy.
Warm hugs,

Beatnheart said...

What a lovely family...prayers for your you said one day at a time...My Princess was went blind...they do adjust. xxc