Saturday, June 11, 2011


It has been a week of breakthroughs.
Not always in the usual sense.
I refer to my broken toilet,
and broken porch light on a vintage timer that 
is no longer made, requiring new rewiring,
a broken garage door opener,
broken wi fi so daughter's computer won't work,
a broken pipe under my sink,
and now a flooded side yard
due to broken valves or some such thing.
No repairman in site that I can afford, and the
one I can afford has not shown up, and the other
has not returned my desperate phone calls.

Although I want to stamp and yell
or plunk down and cry,
I will do neither...

For this week has been spent cheering
 from the sidelines for my friends at their first
booth in a national show.
It has been a week spent reading 
alongside darling daughter.
It was a quick lunch with a dear friend 
recovering from many years of illness,
and a chance reunion with a friend 
who had slipped out of my life. 

The week was several phone calls
 from a far away friend always offering 
support and laughter in the midst of another 
personal disappointment that also came my way.
I caught myself thinking
"When is it my turn for things to be easy?" 
only to quickly retract 
the thought for my blessings are abundant.
These blessings come with each new daybreak.

I bend, I do not break.
I wish to remain like these sunflowers that 
touch almost to the ground in the raging storm and pop back up only to sway far over the other way.
Regardless, they always keep their sunny disposition.

This is me.

and how are you all doing? 
catch me up please..



Tanya said...

Sending sweet thoughts for a peaceful upcoming week, Dear Z! I left yesterday for some time home, in CO - other than that, SSDD!

Jill said...

ack! I hate home repairs and they are plentiful there and here! We currently are awaiting "the guy" to reside our house. Your's sound pretty immediate though. Water is never good when it is where is shouldn't be. I'm glad you're keeping your head up through the bummer times. Really, what else can you do? I hit two great/awesome garage sales yesterday and today and now am cleaning, pricing, stowing away. There's some voice from blogland nagging about a pitchfork in the back of my head though....

Low Tide High Style said...

I'm sorry life has been such a mixed bag for you lately, I think we all have times like that. It sounds like with all the bad there have been some really good things for you lately and that that is what you are choosing to focus on. You help others Z, and that will always come back to you 100 fold. I hope the other things get taken care of soon, you have big things coming up and you don't need to be worrying about anything but you!

Kat :)

Jane said...

Hi Suzan,
You write the most thought provoking posts and I love them.
Sorry to read about all the household woes but LOVE your attitude!!!
We're doing OK around here. Bruce's disease is progressing and mobility is now virtually impossible but in-spite of it all we are enjoying each day we have together and are looking forward to making a trip back to his hometown in Ohio in July so that he can see family and old friends. I have my son home for the summer and he is a constant source of joy.
Thanks for making me take a look at all the good in life.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Wow bless your heart Suzan you sure have had a plate full this week!
I have days (weeks, months) that seem like a never ending line of crisis, but then like you a ray of sunshine peeps through and I think "maybe it isn't all that bad afterall".
Overall I would like to think that the scale is tipped in favor of the positive and I try to keep that thought in my mind when "crap" happens...:)
A trip to my little garden helps when all else fails! I have loads of Sunflowers out there!
Keep that chin up girl!
Tina xo

Razmataz said...

And it's what we love about you Z.

It never rains, it pours. I hope all this gets resolved shortly.

Hugs to you,


Claudia said...

So sorry about all the breakdowns at your house. But your attitude is wonderful, Z. Friends, love, support, daughter - all are a blessing.

I'm struggling with crazy weather here in Wisconsin and I am just plain tired. Today I feel every bit of my age. 9 days until I get to go home to husband and dogs.


time worn interiors said...

Poor thing! If it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all! Girl I think you need to sell that house and buy a small apartment were some else does the maintenance!

I am ok here in good old KY! Hotter than h_ll here! Was stripping metal furniture the other day and the stripper dried up on the metal before it had time to work and I was in the shade! lol!

Any news on the other venture?


Sandi said...

Wow quite a week Suzan! I can identify some days. It seems that when one thing goes wrong everything does, but we pick ourselves up and continue on don't we?
I have come to realize that life just isn't easy. Even for those that we think it appears to be so I am sure they have their own problems too. Thankful along with you for all my blessings~

Anonymous said...

Nothing broken today or spurting out water, other than a nice thunderstorm overhead which we were sorely in need of. Send in the rain... we love it. Sorry for all of your water problems... hope that repairman hurries!!


beth said...

a bad day is usually more than enough....yours sounds like at least a bad week or two :(
yuck !
but your attitude is so refreshing and your rule of thirds photo is perfect !

My Grama's Soul said...

Hi sweet Z....I'm good in AZ. Sounds like you have a full plate though. I love your sunflower pics...they happen to be one of my favorite flowers besides roses.

They are such survivors and such a regal flower....don't you think.

Stay calm,


Olive said...

Life is messy. Your reaction shows your terrific and wonderful spirit in spite of it all. ♥O

Linecas have said...

Oh one of those times. When one thing happen a lot follows. This winter one light bulb stopped working suddely in a periode of one week 16 bulbs stopped. Typical. Hope you get all fixed without trouble.
Fantastic wonderful pictures.
I have a big give away now.Perhaps you like to join?

Blessed Serendipity said...

My goodness Suzan, you have had a few challenges lately. Good news is something GOOD is bound to come your way very soon. Busy planting flowers, fluffing the nest, spending time with my family, and enjoying the sunshine. Hope your fixables get fixed and I just love your positive attitude. :)


Charlene said...

Suzan, I hope your troubles get behind you! Keep your face to the sun & SMILE for you are blessed. Sometimes it's just darn hard to see it. But, when we look at others & their troubles... I'll take mine! HUGS!

Kit said...

Yikes you do have your hands full don't you? Sorry to hear about your trials. Doing good here, just started summer vacation and if the weather would just stop raining a bit more, I would be happier. But what can you do. I guess make mud pies....LOL Kit

kluless said...

Good grief, I can only hope everything that CAN go wrong already has and you are headed for some easier times. Love your attitude. Just keep those positive thoughts going and let them carry you through!!

Donna Reyne' said...

Oh my goodness Z!
I knew there were a reason you were on my mind!
I am thinking about you..Will call when I get a chance~overwhelmed here.
This was a beautifully written post! I love it when you get in a writing mood!
Even when things seem to go make me smile in how you view them!
You are such a blessing to so many!

Carole said...

I know you must be getting really frustrated with everything hitting the fan all at once. Wish I could offer more help then a kind voice.

You are my sunflower!

ps....I was happy to see you post.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Hi how you are keeping positive when I would have stomped my feet! Thanks for the reminder that one should look on the bright side because there always is one!
Happy Sunday!

Susanne said...

Suzan, what a great perspective, you are grace under pressure! Hope all your troubles are resolved quickly and the rebound will be all kinds of goodness.

The worst I have to report is the forecast of 100+ temps all week, yuck! I've been MIA but am hoping to get a post together tomorrow.
All the best,

Cindy said...

This is what we all love about you, like the old cliche, When life hands you lemons... You ARE like the sunflower-strong, beautiful and looking up! Hope everything goes better for you today!

Jillayne said...

This is such a beautiful and gracious post; I love how you have woven a tale of support and caring through so many facets of your life.
I think wanting "easy" is natural. And if you never want something, how do you know when you have it? Wanting is good; it's what is done while the wanting is happening that is perhaps the true measure of a person.
Like the sunflower, I think you must be a resilient person, and resilience is one of the best traits a person can have. Your easy will come.
I am home again after five weeks away - it was a wonderful time but as I walked through my front door I felt my home and my life settling back on me like a warm and wonderful quilt. I found myself walking through each room, taking it all in, as if I'd been away for much longer, looking at everything with fresh eyes but seeing all things familiar, ready to putter and primp and make it more mine than ever.

the old white house said...

OH Z... You know I can relate! You are that sunflower in our gardens, and you help those of us blessed enough to be your friend to keep our perspective. Like we said in our chat... it's just stuff. When you can look at the rest of your life through your rose colored glasses and embrace the friendships, love and quiet times with the knowledge that the stuff can get fixed and well, it's just stuff then you know you have a good life. I still think it's o.k. to cry or feel the frustration, but I only give myself about 10 minutes to do it and then move on with the day at hand.
I always felt like it was how we handled the bad along with the good that showed our true character. Girl you are filled with the best character of all!
School is out now, Max is at the library with a friend and Hannah is coloring on the sidewalk with a new box of chalk. (you know that I love that my 13 year old is on the front sidewalk coloring - cue "i don't wanna grow up" music!
I planted a salad garden and well, life is good.
hope yours is as well... t xoxo

erin's art and gardens said...

oh no...i hate to hear about all the broken bits...when it rains, it pours and then the flowers grow......

sending you positive vibes, sweety.


Pooch Purple Reign said...

i TOTALLY hear ya sista !!
how important it is to recognize the abundance we have and to remember that in every adversity there is a seed of equal or greater benefit. my life feels broken in many ways but i refuse to accept that as my truth. i love it anyway
~laura xx

Faded Charm said...

As always, I'm inspired by your post. I hope things start looking up for you soon and so sorry I haven't been by for a visit lately. These kids of mine keep me so very remember, I'm sure.

You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend:-)


Terra said...

Suzan this is a wonderful post; all those broken things around you, and you still celebrate all your recent blessings. Like the sunflowers, we bend and do not break, or that is our desire.

LaLa said...

You chose to be "Powerful NOT Pitiful"! That is one of my fave quotes from Joyce Meyer.

Thank you for this post. I needed to be reminded to not dwell on life's daily pitfalls and remember how truly blessed I am. And today you are one of those blessings!! Thank You Again!!


Rebecca said...

Hey there Girl...
Sounds like you stepped into
my life :) Always drama... but so thankful for all of it. All challenges to see what the Lord can do in your life!
And with each challenge your faith grows and that my love is what it is all about. So happy you are having a good time with your daughter and I love your outlook, you are a sunflower in my life, thank you for being there.
Oh and guess what, I am home!!!

Kathy said...

Susan, sadly I have to say my life has been similar to yours. As I muttered to the universe the other day that I was READY for life to get a bit easier, I tripped out the back door and landed face first on the concrete. The universe is mocking me. I think Mercury was in retrograde last week. I have read more stories like yours in the past week. We are READY for our closeup, Universe!! We stand united for better times! I have no idea what I'm talking about. My brains haven't been right since I contacted with the cement. Cheer up! It's gotta go up from here. Right?!! - Kathy

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Suzan
Always the way that everything hits at the same time..I can certainly understand the breakage.. I'm still at it.. slowly attempting to break everything I still own...

Hope all is on it's way up now... ciao xxx Julie

Hopewell Creek Designs said...

It's always something isn't it? It seems some times if it weren't for bad luck I'd have none at all.
Still swimming up stream for me...never enough time...never enough energy...but I still go to bed at night believing tomorrow will bring me more of both..=)

Brenda Pruitt said...

I don't know of anyone who actually has a repairman who either shows up or shows up on time. Rare animals, they are. I'd almost rather things go unfixed than wait on some fool who doesn't have the common sense to call me and say he isn't coming.

June said...

I've been a rotten, rotten friend lately dear Z. This post escaped me, and yet it was the very one I needed to read today, so maybe that was why. You have put it so much better than I could articulate in my brain and it has given me clarity for the day.
Beautiful my friend!
huge from here...

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

This post certainly is a help for me today, as your ability to bend, and not break, and your resolution to think about the blessings in your life - are inspiring.
Sunflowers are my favourite flower for several reasons, so I love the image.

Good for you, and I hope things got abit easier soon.