My goal is simple. For at least one day a month I want us all to
learn something new about our environment, and
educate ourselves to conserve our natural resources, restrict fossil fuels,
protect our food sources and consciously make change.
This will be a learning process for all of us, and I plan to be surprised by the ideas
put forth and the wisdom shared.
If you missed the rules, here they are again:
Project Genesis will link visitors back to your blog; however,
this is NOT the forum to exploit for give-away promotions,
to garner Followers or to link to your commercial enterprises.
The link should be DIRECTLY to your post contributing
to Project Genesis, not just to your blog.
There are numerous blogs and TV programs that show how to
recycle furniture and garage/thrift sale finds, so we'll leave that to them.
Not your original idea or photos? Provide credit where credit is due.
I reserve the right to edit ANY participants.
In other words play nice, please.
What are we looking for? Here are some jumping off points; but they
are by no means an indication of what is expected. Surprise me.
To get us started, I am linking to some videos that I think
should be required viewing for all consumers.
Click here:
Four fabulous videos for you, your family, friends and students.
They're simple, short, easy to understand and very informative.
Please give them a look see.
Because I do not wish to influence the direction
Project Genesis may take, for this first post
I will simply share some changes I have recently made.
Darling Daughter has been after me for years to turn off the water while brushing my teeth. I knew I was wasting water but...but nothing.
No excuse acceptable. How much was I wasting?
The EPA estimates the average US citizen wastes
2 gallons daily on oral hygiene.
14 gallons per week - 730 gallons per year.
A family of four? 2,920 gallons per year.
When viewed that way, of course I would stop. I have.
Within 2 weeks I have reduced the amount of
my weekly garbage footprint from this:
to this half of a bag. Actually this is 3 pick up days.
I skipped two of them.
I did it by consciously recycling everything allowable,
(I started by checking here, then checked my local service)
and paying attention to the packaging of products I purchased.
It was so easy. I have always recycled, at least
three bins bi-weekly, but not religiously, if you get my drift.
My next step, will be finding quality biodegradable bags.
I can now afford to spend more, because I will use fewer.
I'm also considering ways for improved pet refuse disposal.
(Yes, I mean doggie doo. Currently it goes into recycled plastic bags,
then into the trash, I want a better solution)
So what can you tell us about what you know, what you are doing,
and what we should learn?
I truly am grateful for you being here.