Tuesday, November 17, 2009

White Wednesday Christmas

Another peek at the goings on around the abode this week. Lots of pics since I may not be able to do WW next week. I just walked around the house this evening and in less than 3 minutes snapped these so please excuse the casualness. I have yet to master the shots with all the lights lit and that is my favorite part. I have a good excuse, it is snowing in here!


Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Oh My!!!!! You are definitely in the spirit of the season! Wonderful vignettes!!!

June said...

Suzan everything is perfect! You could do your own holiday book. I am coveting big time the white pitchers on your mantel...well that and a lot of other things. The perfect setting for a wonderful holiday season.

Barbara Jean said...

been strolling through.
loving everything!!!!!

Getting some great ideas for display in mys tore.

thanks for such a fun and beautiful place to visit.


barbara jean