Monday, November 16, 2020

Z's Christmas

Photos from the porch

Working my way from back to front
Downstairs to upstairs

Pinecones, bottle brush and greenery 
make it all so fast and easy.

Have any of you begun?



Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Looks wonderful as always Z ...... you are brilliant at decorating. We don't even think about Christmas decorations until mid December although, I have noticed a few going up and twinkling .... people are saying that they are doing it to cheer themselves up because of the dreaded COVID ! ..... good for them if it helps. XXXX

Sandra said...

I love your pretty vignettes. They really put me in the mood for Christmas. I haven't started yet, but I am eager to get going. In years past we always started the day after Thanksgiving and I will continue that tradition. Still, it is very tempting. I know that you do a lot more extensive decorating than I do, so you need more of a headstart. I look forward to more of your posts as you continue to make ready for Christmas.

Różana Pracownia Wandy said...

Wspaniałe dekoracje - zachęciłaś mnie, bo myślałam, że w tym roku to będzie smutno i bardzo skromnie - pozdrawiam serdecznie

oldgreymareprimitives said...

Rozanan said

"Wonderful decorations - you encouraged me because I thought it would be sad and very modest this year - best regards"

TheCrankyCrow said...

Simply beautiful Z, and beautifully simple. You've got a mad decorating talent. Nope, haven't started....Still half-heartedly taking down Halloween. Not even sure I will do Christmas this year.... :-( ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

What beautiful Christmas vignettes. Getting Christmas ready in our home too now. So enjoy the lights at night. Janice

acorn hollow said...

Your decorations are very festive. I wrapped some roping around our lamp post and bought a flickering bulb to put in it that is all for now. Hopefully this coming week.

Lily Allen said...

What beautiful Christmas vignettes..Thanks for share.
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