I wear a button with RESIST on it everyday. Special Needs families lost big time with this bill. They lost funding to school programs and their health insurance. I've lived the nightmare of not being abel to purchase insurance for a special needs child. Insurance agents actually laughed in our faces even when we told them we would take a deductible of $50,000 +. Their insensitive, frat boy behavior will come back to bite them in the arse! I was emailing reps and senators like crazy last night! Why do people insist on voting against their own interests? Dumber than a rock!!!
Your title made me think of an artist I heard recently at an open mic night. Her song was called Resist and is beautiful. Here is the link if you would like to listen to it. www.kimmobergmusic.com
Amen sister.
I am once again angry and saddened by the greed!
As It strutted around like he had saved the world. That was pitiful.
AGREED! sickening, disturbing...America is broken.
So totally disgusted. The approval was based on no one reading it. Beyond sad.
Sickened by the monstrous lack of compassion exhibited by everyone who voted for it - lead by the huckster-in-chief. #resist
I'm angry and sad
I wear a button with RESIST on it everyday. Special Needs families lost big time with this bill. They lost funding to school programs and their health insurance. I've lived the nightmare of not being abel to purchase insurance for a special needs child. Insurance agents actually laughed in our faces even when we told them we would take a deductible of $50,000 +. Their insensitive, frat boy behavior will come back to bite them in the arse! I was emailing reps and senators like crazy last night! Why do people insist on voting against their own interests? Dumber than a rock!!!
Your title made me think of an artist I heard recently at an open mic night. Her song was called Resist and is beautiful. Here is the link if you would like to listen to it. www.kimmobergmusic.com
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